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Health & Safety

    Healthcare & Life Sciences

      Energy & Mobility

        Social Responsibility

        ENG - Responsabilità Sociale
        Human Rights

        Human Rights

        There is no business activity without respect for human rights. GVS promotes and guarantees a peaceful and safe working environment, based on respect for people, solidarity, non-discrimination of any kind and careful observance of the law and regulations.

        GVS prohibits any form of discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, physical appearance, nationality, disability, political or religious belief and any form of abuse or harassment in the workplace, or any behavior that affects freedom and dignity of the employees. Furthermore, GVS strongly condemns slavery.

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        Fighting active and passive corruption

        Fighting active and passive corruption

        Integrity is a fundamental part of the identity of GVS, so much so that it is part of the general principles of the Group.

        In carrying out its activities, GVS places integrity as the foundation of its economic and social relations, and recognizes the phenomenon of corruption as a serious threat to their development.

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        Health and Safety of Employees and workers

        Health and Safety of Employees and workers

        GVS is strongly convinced of the value of human resources for the development of the entire Group. The commitment to protect and promote the health and safety of workers in the workplace translates into one of the most important challenges for the Group.

        However, to make it concrete, the intention is not enough: the contribution of each individual is needed. GVS is committed to disseminating and consolidating a culture of safety by developing risk awareness and promoting responsible behavior by all employees

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